Lisa’s Books

New From Lisa!

Now Available

We all want to live simpler lives and to put Jesus first – and we struggle with both. While we are busy strategizing new ways to streamline our calendars and clean out our closets of the clutter, what really needs attention is what will give us long-term clarity and peace — the priority order of Jesus over everything in our lives. In a culture that carries the confusion of overindulgence, endless options and influencer voices, the Jesus-first life clears our minds and hearts of noise so our souls can find true meaning and rest. 

Free 10-Day Bible Study

To declare literally means to acknowledge possession – to recognize what is already ours and walk in that truth, affirming to ourselves and coming into agreement with God what He has already said about us and about Himself. This is how the Jesus follower is meant to function. Instead, I see us living below our potential…forgetting who God is and who we are in Him…and as a result, letting every year slip by with us feeling like a defeated victim. Let’s make this year different.

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